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Navy response to claims about the radiological cleanup at Hunters Point

10 October 2018
Statement: On March 16, 2018, the representative for a former Tetra Tech EC employee contacted EPA Region 9 about claims regarding the radiological cleanup program at Hunters Point. Representatives of the Navy and EPA met with the two parties on May 17, 2018 to visit the site and document their statements. Thereafter, the Navy reviewed the information and developed responses for each claim as follows.

Statement: On March 16, 2018, the representative for a former Tetra Tech EC employee contacted EPA Region 9 about claims regarding the radiological cleanup program at Hunters Point. Representatives of the Navy and EPA met with the two parties on May 17, 2018 to visit the site and document their statements. Thereafter, the Navy reviewed the information and developed responses for each claim as follows.

C1: The concentration of Radium-226, from samples collected at Parcel A, are above the Soil Cleanup Levels according to lab reports provided by the reporting parties.

R1: The Navy has reviewed these lab reports and determined the Radium-226 concentrations are consistent with ordinary brick and concrete samples.

C2: Four keel blocks (previously used at Hunters Point) have been placed near the Lennar Welcome Center at Parcel A as landscaping accents. Keel blocks were considered rad-impacted or potentially contaminated because they may have been used during decontamination of Operation Crossroads naval vessels in dry docks.

R2: The keel blocks were scanned and released as safe. The Navy allowed Lennar to use the keel blocks because they represent shipyard history. They have been rescanned and affirmed safe as part of the radiological health and safety scan being conducted at Parcel A by the California Department of Public Health. 

C3: A former worker claimed that a soil sample collected near the corner of Fisher and Spear Streets was analyzed and had a Cs-137 concentration of about 3 picocuries per gram (pCi/g), which was well above the cleanup level being used (0.113 pCi/g). 

R3: The area identified is located on Parcel UC-1. It will be thoroughly evaluated using soil borings as part of the retesting of the UC Parcels. Soil samples will be collected at the surface and at intervals likely down to shallow bedrock. Additionally, as part of the chemical remediation efforts in 2012, after the claimed soil sample was collected, the Navy removed the surface soil and replaced it with clean import fill.

C4: The Reporting party indicated observing a dump truck carrying wet soil in February 2018 from Parcel E to a soil stockpile being used by the developer (FivePoint) on Parcel A.

R4: In February 2018, Parcel E-2 (not Parcel E) soil activities were being conducted by the Navy’s Parcel E-2 contractor. The Navy’s contractor was questioned and has indicated that all soil is being reused onsite as a foundation layer for Parcel E-2 and that soil has not been transported to Parcel A. The Navy’s independent 3rd party oversight contractor has verified that soil did not leave Parcel E-2.

Note: Claim (C) and Navy Responses (R) 

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