01 September 2021 Navy Hosts Week-Long Virtual Open House for Hunters Point Community The Navy is committed to ensuring the public has confidence in the environmental-cleanup program at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard (HPNS) by sharing regular updates on progress...
21 July 2021 Community Update on Hunters Point Naval Shipyard Cleanup The Navy is committed to ensuring the public has confidence in the environmental-cleanup program at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard (HPNS) by sharing regular updates on progress...
12 March 2021 Navy Hosts Week-Long Virtual Open House for Hunters Point Community From Monday, March 22 through Friday, March 26, 2021, the Navy will share radiological retesting information, collected at Parcel G, using an online virtual community room. Residents can attend from home to get the latest updates about Hunters Point Naval Shipyard (HPNS)...
12 March 2021 Navy Shares Hunters Point Naval Shipyard Cleanup Program and Community Outreach Update Statement: The Navy is committed to updating the public about environmental cleanup efforts at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard (HPNS). Here is a summary of the Navy’s latest cleanup and outreach progress at HPNS:...
11 December 2020 Navy Shares Hunters Point Naval Shipyard Cleanup Program and Community Outreach Update Statement: The Navy is committed to updating the public about environmental cleanup efforts at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard...
07 August 2020 Navy Releases Survey Results on Community Outreach Statement: The Navy’s outreach program for the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard (HPNS) cleanup program provides the local community with a variety of options for residents to receive information and provide feedback. The outreach program includes in-person meetings, regular updates and access to...
06 July 2020 Navy Establishes Soil Background Levels for HPNS Cleanup, Set to Begin Parcel G Retesting 8-5-20 update: In agreement with regulatory agencies and following the recent establishment of background of radiological materials, the Navy will start to mobilize for retesting work at Parcel G on August 10, 2020...
16 March 2020 Public Meeting Suspension Statement: Until further notice, the Navy Base Realignment and Closure Program Office will suspend hosting all public meetings as a safety precaution due to the COVID-19 virus...
04 December 2019 Community Update On Hunters Point Naval Shipyard Cleanup Statement: The Navy is committed to updating the public and ensuring it has confidence in the environmental cleanup program at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard (HPNS) by sharing informational updates...
26 November 2019 Response to questions about EPA comment letter (Nov. 15, 2019) on the Evaluation of Radiological Remedial Goals for Soil at HPNS Statement: The Navy continues to work with EPA and other regulatory stakeholders to ensure that cleanup efforts at former Hunters Point Naval Shipyard are protective. EPA recently concurred on the protectiveness determinations in the Navy’s Five-Year Review...