12 September 2023 Parcel C Radiological Deck Marker Recovery Recovery at Parcel C This fact sheet discusses information about the recent recovery of a deck marker in a secured area on Parcel C, at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard (HPNS)...
10 July 2023 Navy Hosts Bus Tours for Hunters Point Community On Saturday, June 10, the Navy hosted guided bus tours to update community members on cleanup progress and ongoing work at the former Hunters Point Naval Shipyard (HPNS). These were the first bus tours held since the COVID-19 pandemic was declared in early 2020.The Navy originally planned to hold...
21 April 2023 Navy Welcomes New Environmental Coordinator for Hunters Point Naval Shipyard The Navy Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) Program Management Office is pleased to announce that Mr. Michael Pound has joined the team as the Environmental Coordinator for the former Hunters Point Naval Shipyard (HPNS). Michael is a chemical engineer with more than 30 years of experience in...
24 February 2023 Navy Shares Community Update on Shipyard Cleanup Efforts The Navy is committed to updating the public about environmental cleanup efforts at former Hunters Point Naval Shipyard (HPNS). Here is a summary of the Navy’s latest cleanup and outreach progress at HPNS:...
31 January 2023 Why the Navy Uses Storm Controls at Hunters Point The former Hunters Point Naval Shipyard (HPNS) employs storm controls for all its environmental cleanup work in the Shipyard. These controls help protect the community and environment by limiting storm water and winds from moving dirt and contaminated materials to the Bay. The storm controls are...
19 September 2022 Navy Describes Its Ongoing Efforts to Account for Sea Level Rise The Navy has and continues to take a comprehensive approach to cleanup at the former Hunters Point Naval Shipyard (HPNS) to ensure the health and safety of the community now and into the future. The Navy’s responsibility is to complete work in a way that ensures long-term public health and
11 July 2022 Navy Begins Retesting Work at Shipyard’s Parcel B and Parcel C - Summer 2022 The Navy has begun radiological retesting fieldwork at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard’s (HPNS) Parcel B and Parcel C. This work will ensure confidence in the current site conditions and assist with cleanup efforts for future transfer of the property to the City of San Francisco. The Navy’s...
06 July 2022 Navy Releases Results from Community Survey – June 2022 Every two years, the Navy conducts a survey of the Bayview/Hunters Point community and asks for feedback on the Navy’s efforts to provide information about its work at the Former Hunters Point Naval Shipyard (HPNS). The survey helps to get direct feedback on its efforts to update residents and...
01 November 2021 The Navy Requests Community Input for Online Survey through November 2021 Every two years the Navy formally evaluates outreach efforts at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard and asks for community input. The online survey, open through November, takes just a few minutes to complete. The survey link is available below in English, Spanish, and Traditional Chinese...
24 September 2021 Navy to Improve Lab Method for Strontium-90 to Increase Precision in Retesting Data The Navy continues to make progress on the radiological retesting work at the former Hunters Point Naval Shipyard (HPNS). Throughout this work, the nearby community has been protected from site-related contamination...